Sunday, July 12, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I LOVE Harry Potter.
If I could marry a book, it would be the HP series. No joke.
(And, yes, this post is for real.)
Tuesday is going to be the best day of my life so far.
Why, you may ask?
Because Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince comes out in theaters!!!
(And I will be watching it with my favorite people ever and fellow HP nerds/enthusiasts)
I cant even put into text my enthusiasm for this event.
And, as a picture is worth a thousand words... I thought I would put some up:

(Just so you know, Ron Weasley a.k.a. Rupert Grint is my favorite person ever and is one of 3 people I would marry with out thinking it over, so thats why there are lots of his pics... I just cant get over his face.)

(Three more of my favorite characters who just make me smile thinking of them and their awesomeness: Luna Lovegood and the infamous Fred & George Weasley)

(I can't wait for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!)

This movie is going to be amazing. This was my favorite book out of the series, and I cant wait to see it on screen. J.K. Rowling is only one of the most amazing people ever.
So, all in all...
Harry Potter = True Happiness
(Boys may suck but I will always have Harry Potter to turn to.)


  1. i am quoting you because I completely agree:
    "I can't even put into text my enthusiasm for this event."
    i wish there was a freak out emoticon on blogger, because I would increase the font size and type that sucker in right now.
    quidditch. heh heh. oh man. i really want to play that. i would kick gryffindor's trash. i'd be on ravenclaw's team, of course.
    i'll stop typing because i could literally type for hours about harry potter.

    I AM SOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY YOU BLOGGED! you are a blue highlighter. :)

  2. Haha your comments are always the best I love them so much!

    Haha can I be on the revenclaw team too? And I would like to be a chaser. thanks.
